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Hey There!

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website. Time is precious and I truly appreciate you spending some of yours looking at my work and learning more about Blue Descent Photography. Within my art I hope you will feel and see some of the wonder I experience every time I slip beneath the surface or escape to the wilderness. 

All About Me - Jennifer Dillaman

People often ask me how I got into underwater photography. Did I go to school for it? Did my parents do it? The answer to both of those is no. I grew up a country girl in western PA with horses and farm chores but also with an unyielding love for nature, adventure, and animals. I remember watching every documentary I could on Discovery Channel and Animal planet. Each time my parents or sister took me to the zoo or aquarium they had to listen to a never-ending commentary on each species.


Throughout high school and college I excelled but never knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. All my friends had majors picked out and end goals, I just went along with what was expected. I completed 2 years of college while working. I never declared a major but my classes leaned towards art and biology.


When I met my now husband, Josh, I convinced him to take a diving class at the local shop (THATS a story to ask about later). After that first class I knew I had finally found what I wanted to do. Somehow, some way, I was going to make diving my life. Over the next few years I gained my Divemaster and Instructor ratings and began working for the same local dive center I was trained at (for those of you from western PA be sure to check out Scott's Scuba Service). Eventually Josh and I bought that very same dive shop and became full time divers and shop owners.


Part of owning a dive center in PA is group travel and on those trips I started taking photos. I quickly discovered a passion in capturing the underwater world with a camera. Over the years I self taught but also took classes with a number of professional UW photographers which allowed me to grow and develop my art further than I ever thought I could. 


Amidst teaching all levels of recreational diving a close friend convinced Josh and I to join him in north Florida to try cave diving. After only three days of diving we were hooked. Since that first dive at Peacock Springs State Park I've earned quite a few cave, technical, and CCR ratings which all allow me to press further into this underground world. Capturing images of these unique caves and those brave enough (or crazy enough- depending on who you ask) to explore them has become one of my favorite things to do. 


I try to look at each day as a new opportunity to learn or experience something. I constantly thirst for adventure however I can find it and am eager to see who I will be in 10 years. I couldn't be where I am today without so many different people. You never know how a new acquaintance is going to change your life, and what path you may walk down next. Whether you are on this website to buy a piece of art for your walls, to hire me for a shoot, or to just look at some photographs I thank you for spending your time with me. 

Water Texture





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